Fit Life Hacks

Workout Buddy Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks: Getting and Keeping the Right Workout Partner

There is an art to choosing the right workout partner. This blog post outlines key elements to use when selecting the right person or persons that can help you attain your fitness goals.

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Workout buddy arrangement explained

I believe the term workout buddy is often used informally. This is because the importance of this arrangement is often overlooked and discredited. According to Investopedia, a partnership is a formal arrangement between two or more parties to manage or operate a business and share its profits.

In the fitness world, a workout partnership is an arrangement between two or more persons to workout together and allows both parties to achieve their fitness goals.

This is the mindset one needs when going into any type of group setting. Remember, you are on your fitness journey, aiming to meet the fitness vision you have set for yourself.


Always look at the bigger picture when making life decisions. Yes, for some, this is a big decision. Take an athlete’s journey for example, one lousy workout partnership can result in several setbacks. As a result, choosing the right workout buddy, like any additions we include in our lives, should be beneficial to us or help us in attaining our goals.

Workout buddy dynamics

When I think of workout partnerships two types come to mind:


Group-based workout partnerships include more than two persons and are done on a frequent basis as part of a routine.


Peer-to-peer (P2P) partnerships entail you and one other person. This could be a friend, family member, a partner or even a stranger.

Nowadays, especially in light of COVID-19, partnerships can be formed in person or online.

Pros of having a workout buddy



This ensures that someone holds you responsible for your actions or where you hold someone responsible for their actions. Because there is someone that can keep you in line, you are likely to become more consistent. Hence, I stress that you find the right partner.



Partners offer additional knowledge and expertise. Good partners can provide fresh ideas, a change in routine and even help avoid plateaus. Therefore, having a workout partner that you can learn from, explore, and even provide correction is a plus.


Support System

Having someone for physical and emotional support is key. Whether it’s running on a lonely trail, providing water on a long run or a spotter for your bench press, having a good workout partner ensures support as well as safety. Emotionally, sometimes the best person to celebrate a win with you is someone that has been there with you throughout the entire process.



Having someone to push you is always good, especially in those difficult times.



Friendly rivalry is known to get the best out of people. This can allow you to surpass your normal limits – by either challenging you to do better than what has been done in the past or in relation to someone else’s progress.

Cons of having a workout buddy


Negative enabler.

Partners could derail you from your course. 


One-sided benefits. 

This may entail you being the only pusher between the two or being slowed down because of differences in drive or capabilities.


Unhealthy competition.

On occasion, competition can create unwanted feelings (such as envy or self-esteem issues) and even injuries.



Sometimes strong dependencies can be formed, which could inhibit your drive and progress if a person or persons are missing or have left.

Main elements of a sound workout buddy system

Based on the pros and cons listed, I pulled out eight core elements needed for a good workout partnership (note in no particular order):


In all walks of life, there needs to be compromises. Therefore, all parties involved should be willing to negotiate at some time.


Communication is vital. You need to express yourself and listen to your partner (not just by their words but also by their actions). This requires open and honest communication for the arrangement to be effective.


Having respect for each other’s goals, time and opinions cannot be stressed enough. This ensures that efforts and compromises are not overlooked.


There needs to be a commitment on both sides. Nothing of worth can be achieved with half-assed commitment.


Clearly defined boundaries and/or rules are needed.


Goals and objectives should be communicated and aligned to ensure that everyone benefits from the arrangement.


Contrasting and complementary strengths. Personally, I believe everyone should not be on the same playing field. You need to at least have someone that is stronger than you in some elements and where you are stronger than the other person(s) in other aspects for the partnership to be effective.


Be inspired and inspire. Workout buddy systems should benefit all parties involved.

Workout buddy tips and tricks

TIP #1

Be able to live with your compromises. Compromise is good, but you shouldn’t have to make considerable sacrifices to partner with someone/a group.

TIP #2

You need to know what YOU want out of the relationship. Sometimes companionship trumps expertise. Knowing your expectations will enhance the process.


Treat the decision to get a partner as a factor that will help you attain your fitness goals. Take partnerships between Louis Vuitton and BMW to produce luggage together. When you imagine the two brands, the collaboration seems fitting, doesn’t it? Why? Well, for one, their clientele may be similar, and two, I am sure the collaboration also benefits their company goals. The same can be said for the Red Bull and GoPro collaboration.

TIP #3

Nothing is perfect. We are all human and like any other relationship, it has its ups and downs and the occasional collision. Be prepared.

TIP #4

Flexibility. Matching schedules and competing interests can be difficult, more so when you add more persons to the mix. This is where compromise and communication come in.

DO #1

Ensure everyone is on the same page. Some partnerships may not require that goals and boundaries be shared explicitly. For example, large groups are often led by one individual, and it is implied that you are there to get fit. In my opinion, this is enough, unless you are asked by the trainer to disclose your objectives. It all depends. However, partnerships containing a small number of persons (at least five persons, in my opinion), I strongly advise that an understanding of goals and boundaries be shared. Note, this goes both ways, you need to share and you need to listen.

DO #2

Revisit your goals. Just like what you would have done for yourself, it is always good to reflect to see if the arrangement is working and what can be changed or enhanced. Schedule proper meetings (in person is the best) to discuss this progress. Avoid having these conversations while working out.

DON’T #1

Avoid falling into an arrangement without clearly assessing the pros and cons of the partnership. Every relationship is different treat it as such when considering if to commit. 

TIP #4

Use your discretion. I am giving all these tips and tricks but note these are based on my experiences. Thus, in the situation, you would know what works best for you.

Picking the right workout buddy


Is the person going to push you?


Can you learn from the person?


Can you trust the person?


Is the communication between you and the person good?

The answers should be “yes” for all, or “I am open and willing to work on it”. If not, that arrangement is not working for you.


I have done all methods (alone, P2P and group-based). I favour elements of all forms; it just depends on what and where I am working out. When running, I prefer a group for long runs. In the gym, I like to be alone. Home or outdoor workouts I prefer P2P.


Find the right balance that works for you. Whether you are mixing your schedule with either P2P, group-based workouts or just roughing it alone, you do you.

Feel free to comment below your preference and why?

DO ensure everyone is on the same page
DON’T let anyone derail you from your course
TIP know what is expected out of the partnership
TRICK find the right contrast and balance in a partner

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