
Avoiding and Overcoming the Proverbial Wall: Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks for Finding your Why/Goal

We have all been there, it’s 5 o’clock in the morning, it’s pitch black and cold, and then the alarm rings off. Like all things in life, we have options:

Option A: Hit that snooze button, stay in bed under those warm, snuggly sheets?


Option B: Brave the elements in the aspirations of greatness? 

The answer should be obvious, right? Hit the snooze button? LOL. That was a trick question, by the way.

Whether you are now starting or have been in the fitness game for a while, everyone has stumbled upon the proverbial wall. This could be in the form of slow gains, consistently lousy weather, challenging workouts, plateaus and even COVID-19. Over the years, I’ve learnt three things: how to prolong meeting it/getting there, managing how to deal with it when it comes and getting through it. As such, this post is about building resilience against these hurdles.

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What is your WHY?

It all begins here.

As you know, exercising, in general, has a wide range of benefits, from strengthening the mind to creating a healthy body so sculpted you could be mistaken for Aphrodite or even Zeus. If you actually think about it, most of the Greek mythological characters have been portrayed as chiselled, like literally.

So now begs the question, WHAT IS YOUR WHY?  

In this case, my definition of ‘WHY’ is the declaration of an attainable goal (or goals) and the associated energy one directs towards their accomplishment.  


Not every day you will feel motivated to get up and go, but know this, with the right ‘WHY’, it’s easy to wake up before the alarm clock.

Your WHY is the motivation that comes from within, the fire in the pit of your stomach that pushes you past your normal limits, the knowledge that every ache and sacrifice brings you one step closer to success.

DO #1  

Take time to pinpoint your motivation/WHY. Make it personal, make it meaningful.

One of my original WHYs for starting to exercise was the simple fact that I wanted to have a six-pack for my first year playing mas in Trinidad and Tobago Carnival. On the road to achieving this goal, my ‘WHY’ evolved. Now, I seek sustainable mental and physical challenges. Fun fact, when I miss an exercise session now, my body aches. It’s almost as if it craves the exercise! Weird right?

So, I ask again, WHAT IS YOUR WHY?

It is time for a little soul searching, and while you are at it…

TIP #1  

Make sure your ‘WHY’ sustainable.

Avoiding and overcoming the proverbial wall

You vs You; Persistency and Consistency Maketh a Champion

It is all well and good to plan, but action is king at the end of the day. Put the plan to work and then work the plan.

It’s about being persistent and consistent when executing your plan.

Picture this

It is 7 weeks into your journey, and you are feeling good. Let’s say you train once a day, for 1 hour, 3 times a week. Do the calculation, that’s 21 hours you have spent reshaping your body, and it is beginning to show. You may start to see some definition in your arms or maybe your legs, and even your favourite pants fits a bit looser; whatever it may be, don’t falter now.

Don’t get me wrong, good work deserves reward, and we all can have a cheat day once in a while. However, a cheat week is ridiculous! Don’t forget one of my past tips, exercise the Trade for Treat Concept.

#1 Persistence

At this point, we can safely assume that you know your WHY and you have started training. But, …

Even when completely faithful to an exercise regime and meal planning, there would be periods when you feel like you are making no progress.

These periods are described as body plateaus. This is where the body shows no visual signs of change, even if you are getting stronger. And it is at this point where a lot of people usually fall off the wagon.

I’ve been there.

This can cause a dip in motivation due to a lack of zeal.  Which, in turn, can cause you to grow bored of your workouts, allow distractions of all forms to step in, and even cause you to lose progress.

TIP #2  

Never give up. Nobody in the history of the human race has achieved anything by giving up. Don’t try to be the first.

TRICK #1  

Consider adjusting your workout regime. Remember, you are stronger now; doing the same thing will get you the same results. We are aiming for bigger and better things. Progressive additions or alterations such as more reps, sets or modifications to your workout can lead to increased gains.

DON’T #1  

Do not overdo your workouts. Avoid causing more harm than good. If you know doing that extra set of reps or picking up that heavy a** weight will mean you are out of commission for days/weeks, I suggest sitting that set out. Especially for beginners! The overexertion of muscle can lead to extreme soreness and, in some cases, injuries, both of which can dissuade you from continuing.

TRICK #2  

Try tweaking your diet. Be honest if you have been cutting corners. Note, this is an iterative process. I recommend reinspecting your diet occasionally. There are many ways in which this can be done: 1) you can add more nutritional items to your diet, or 2) you can increase the frequency of your meals (i.e. how many meals you eat a day). Note, watch your portion sizes; it’s scientifically proven that small balanced meals throughout the day improves digestion and can even increase the metabolic rate. Getting professional advice is always highly recommended.

#2 Consistency

You know what is really funny; you could be doing all this, have your WHY in mind, eat right, and workout like a beast and still not achieve your goals.

Why do you think that is?

What is your stick – at – it – ness when it comes to your plan?

What do you do when you are not feeling to do it today?

Do you give in to the temptation of missing one day? It’s just 1 (single) day, right?

Then 1 day turns into 2 days, then 3 days, then…

Put simply, it’s a snowball effect. No one wants that!

Commit to showing up. Yup! Simple and yet so complicated.

At this point, it is YOU vs YOU.

What is your real reason for not exercising?

Tough days require tough people, and you are tough. Disregard self-doubt, disbelief and your past self, when you would have opted to be lazy. Even forget about the days you used to eat junk food daily and the other day when you did a good session. What are you going to do today?!

Being consistent demands that you make wise decisions day in, day out, week in and week out.

Patience! Progress is usually a slow process.

At this point, let’s assume that you are knee-deep in your training regime and still no results.

Why is the training not working?

Steups, like we say in Trinidad and Tobago!

How come everyone else can do this in an X-amount of time?

Or, I can’t do this anymore!

How many of us have said/thought this, be honest?

Quite frankly, print media and social media has tarnished the perception of fitness gains and the physical and mental effort it takes. Like I mentioned in my previous post (Building the Right Fitness Mindset: It’s All About the Fundamentals, Part 4), everyone is different.  

Getting fit is a result of both mental and physical gains. Quick fixes are unsustainable and easily reversible. We are talking about lifestyle changes here. Hence, other than persistence and consistency, we need to be patient.

Studies show that the average body takes between 12 to 16 weeks to show results from exercise. Yes, 12 to 16 weeks. Added to which, this time can be extended for several reasons: bad eating habits, inconsistent workout schedules, poorly executed exercises and so on.

And for beginners, I know it is sometimes difficult to imagine having to endure all that time exercising before seeing or feeling a change.

The changes are there; trust me, a lot of the times, micro-changes are often missed, and like I mentioned earlier, we are all unique.

Here are a few simple tips that can help nurture your patience during these tough 16 weeks (and in the long run):

TIP #3

Keep your WHY close and easily accessible to be able to pull out at a moment’s notice for a quick boost of inspiration.

TIP #4 

Get a training plan. Sticking to a schedule is a certifiable way to keep you on track with your WHY.

TIP #5

Whether or not you have a coach, keep track of your progress. Seeing how much you have improved over time can be very rewarding and inspiring. Documenting your progress can be done in various ways, via a journal, whiteboard or even an app.

TIP #6

Have a coach or training partner that can hold you accountable. This can act as a backup or plan B when your patience is running low. Strangers are often the ones to see your progress before you.

TIP #7

Find what drives you other than your WHY. Adding motivational reminders and creating new habits that encourage you to keep going is highly recommended. Play inspirational videos/music when you are working out; display motivational quotes all over your room or change the screensaver of your phone to your post-body or body goals. The list is endless.

What do you do to keep motivated? Comment below.

In the end, patience is crucial when it comes to getting the results you are looking for. Your body makes adjustments every time you exercise; muscles are being broken down to rebuild a bigger, better and stronger you.

The Wall Breaker Checklist

Determine the ultimate you that you wish to achieve.

Look for programs, coaches, books, etc., that are aligned to your final goal. This should be an iterative process as you progress further.

Commit to a dedicated time(s) and even location(s) to work on your WHY. This can be accomplished by selecting a manageable and sustainable workout frequency tailored to your current lifestyle and possibly what you would like to accomplish.

Don’t overdo it; balance is key. Pick a duration and activity that is in line with your current performance level. Setting unrealistic action plans can minimize your results and derail your efforts towards the achievement of your WHY.

The body is made in the kitchen and refined in your workout. Changing your diet, coupled with a suitable training schedule and the right mindset, can reap fantastic results.

I am a warrior: Hear me roar

Now we have a cocktail for success.

Start with a WHY, throw in a solid PLAN, then blend perfectly with PERSEVERANCE and CONSISTENCY. Top it off with PATIENCE and some time, and voila, success has never looked so good.

Once you have stuck to your plan, it is more likely that you would achieve your goals.

Remember to treat yourself responsibly and that there is always room for improvements. The goal is to avoid hitting the proverbial wall as much as we can.

TIP #8

Your vision should grow as you grow. “Be Happy but never Content” – Bruce Lee.


Let’s take it back to the first situation when it’s 5 o’clock in the morning… and the snooze button is calling your name.

What do you do now? Are you going to hit the snooze button or the X?

In the end, it is not a 1-day process. Stay focused on your WHY/goal. Don’t get distracted by the latest series on Netflix or that new double chocolate, caramel fudge brownie that your cousin made yesterday. You have come this far, and there are always sacrifices to be made on the road to achievement.

Take a good hard look in the mirror and ask yourself, WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO GET WHERE I WANT TO GO?! If nothing else, your actions thus far have shown you have the ability to transform yourself; why not reach the target goal?

DO keep motivated. Have a plan and stick to it with patience, persistently and consistently

DON’T overdo your workouts so much so that it is uncomfortable to exercise the next day or the day after

TIP, do the work required; nobody can do it for you but you

TRICK, adjustments are often needed to fight plateaus

Quick Resources

World Health Organization. 2020. Physical activity. November 20.

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