
It’s All About Mental Health: Being Aware and Nurturing your Mind, Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks

There was a time when most people immediately associated fitness benefits with physical (that is, the body with the brain included as a muscle) changes alone. But is it limited to just this physical factor? Thankfully, it has been proven that there is also a positive mental effect that is associated with exercise and fitness as a whole.

The global COVID-19 pandemic has, in one form or another, affected the world mentally. From imposed restrictions to safeguard lives and our own responsibilities to protect ourselves and our loved ones, activity levels worldwide have reduced significantly. Some circumstances may extend to many people spending quality time by themselves at home, or with the same group of people day in and day out. Added to this are the stresses of uncertainty surrounding the pandemic, coupled with life’s usual challenges. Hence, this post hopes to highlight some of the challenges we may face and identify possible recommendations to help sustain or improve our mental health.

It’s all about being mindful this May!

Just a disclaimer, I am not a professional fitness consultant (especially in the areas of nutrition or mental health). 

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The brain and the mind

Scientifically, we consider the brain as a vital organ that controls our body. It functions both when we are awake and when we are asleep – basically responsible for all ongoings associated with the body. Thus, it fair to suggest that if the brain cannot operate properly, the body would not be able to function fully.

This concept is similar to the mind. If a person’s mind is not “right”, the actions of the body would not be “right”.

To date, researchers are yet to discover (and agree) exactly where the brain finishes and where the mind starts. But, for the most part, many agree that the mind can be interpreted as the place where ideas and thoughts are created within the brain.

Just paraphrasing a bit here

Scientifically, we consider the brain as a vital organ that controls our body. It functions both when we are awake and when we are asleep – basically responsible for all ongoings associated with the body. Thus, it fair to suggest that if the brain cannot operate properly, the body would not be able to function fully.

Ever heard the saying, ‘fear can hurt someone as harshly as sticks and stones’. Maybe a bit heavy, but there is some truth in these words. Thoughts can be extremely powerful things. For the thoughts you allow to remain in your head can affect the mind so much so that it can have adverse (tangible) side effects on the body.

Overall, fitness is not about being physically healthy alone; it is also about mental health.

Mental health

This in no way can be a one-day thing.

Managing your mind and overall mental health is an ongoing, daily routine, just like any other fitness regimen.

Some of the reasons why a healthy mind is essential?

#1 It’s a fail-safe for the bad times

Having an emotional and physical fail-safe against unforeseen situations is always a plus. Maintaining your mental health allows you to better manage stress, anxiety, relationships and overall life’s decisions.

It’s safe to say that no one is immune from the ebbs and flows of life. There are difficulties in all walks of life, from the prince/princess to the pauper. The difference is in how you handle the situation.

Hence, setting a solid foundation can prepare you for those challenging times. Don’t get me wrong, there are no guarantees that you will be left unscaved, but your ability to minimize (and in some cases completely avoid) life’s obstacles as they come will be greater.

#2 Increases your productivity levels

When you feel better, you do better. Or better written when you think better, you feel better; hence you do better. Remember, the mind controls the body, not the other way around.

DON’T #1

Do not allow yourself to be a servant of your feelings or a bi-product of circumstances.

Again, I know sometimes this is inevitable or is difficult to avoid but try.

The mind needs direction and who best to navigate it but you. Anyone who has aspired to great feats has felt the sting of defeat at some time or faced a seemingly insurmountable hurdle or two.

Hence, being mentally settled will allow you to focus on the hidden benefits of a situation, improving your approach to life in general. The journey to fitness is filled with plateaus, injuries, wins and losses. The more time you focus on the issues, the less productive you are about overcoming and facing the next challenge.

Direct your mind towards a task, be positive and open to the opportunities around, don’t dwell on the negative, enjoy the process and before you know it, no task would be beyond you. Check out Avoiding and Overcoming the Proverbial Wall: Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks for Finding your Why/Goal

#3 Allows you to become your best self

Believe it or not, a happy mental state 9 out of 10 times comes from within. It is also 90% what you tell yourself and the quality of thoughts you allow to linger in your head. External influences (such as family, friends or the media) do have their part to play, but ultimately you control your mind and who/what you allow to live there ‘rent-free’.

Put simply, Think negative thoughts, life would be negative…. Think positive thoughts, life would be positive

Achieving and maintaining a positive mental state can be difficult. Yet this alone can be the catalyst for transformation into a better you.

Mental fitness - Five strategies that can help develop and maintain a healthy mind

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Nurturing and maintaining your mental health is highly based on individualistic circumstances.


Find what calms and drives you. Is it cooking, watching television, meditation, colouring, painting or walking? Knowing what really makes you happy (and what soothes you) is important.

Here are a few things I recommend:

#1 Taking a break if you need to

You can take mental health day-offs for training as well. As a runner, though it’s an activity I love, a lot of times, it could become the source of stress and anxiety. Sometimes training for an event takes away from the enjoyment of the activity itself. Take a break. Mental health days are not just for 8-4-hour jobs; they are there to relieve stress, reflect and collect yourself. I am aware that for some persons this may not be possible, especially for a long period of time (like a day).

TIP #1

Try to get at least 5-10 minutes of me time per day.

#2 Reaching out

Talk to a family member, friend or even a stranger. You don’t have to divulge your trade secrets to vent. This can allow you to

1) express how you feel

2) get someone else’s opinion on the matter, in touchy situations

3) notify someone if you need help in the matter

4) get someone to calm you down

It also doesn’t have to be someone. Sometimes all you need is to write it out. Journaling is also an excellent outlet for purging your thoughts and problems. Do what works for you.

#3 Trying something new

Now, I am not saying to spend an exorbitant amount of money. Sometimes the best things are free.

Cook, change up your schedule or take an afternoon drive, stroll or bicycle ride through your neighbourhood or by a nearby park. You can even make a new cocktail, visit a new website or order a different magazine or book that you would have never tried. It is up to you. Sometimes changing things up once in a while adds new interest that can help you earn new experiences and overcome bad ones.

#4 Getting (or staying) active and eating well.

Yup, it all adds up!

Regular exercise and a balanced diet can improve your mental health. This has been proven in the medical field and academia.

Besides muscular health, staying active and eating well also affects how you think of yourself. Attaining fitness goals is a rewarding feeling that can push you to places you never thought you would have been. 

#5 Surrounding yourself with motivational triggers.

What gets you excited?

Sometimes after a long day at work, I like to indulge in YouTube house décor or DIY videos. It makes me feel so inspired after, and it’s a break from the routine.

Motivational quotes or self-affirmations are also great positive triggers, especially if they are displayed. There are so many things we can use or do to stay positive and motivated. Find 1 thing, maybe 2 things or more and surround yourself with it. Check out my blog posts on Building the Right Mindset for your fitness journey, Inspiration vs Motivation and especially Fitness Motivation Done the Wrong Way

TIP #2

Try to avoid negative triggers, especially if you recognize that he/she/it is negative.

Don’t stop here; there is a ton of information on the topic; feel free to explore. Remember fit body, mind and soul! 


Mental fitness is a daily habit/activity we need to practice in our lives.

TIP #3

Factor in mental fitness in your training schedule. Whether you are writing up or making a mental checklist of your fitness targets and actionable steps, make sure that mental fitness activities (me time) are there.

Also, feel free to let me know your views on the matter and any additional tips you know and/or use to keep your mind healthy.


To maintain longevity in fitness, it demands that you develop all 3 aspects of yourself equally (as much as possible). That is your mind, body and soul!

If you haven’t already, please take the time to start nurturing your mind. Adopting a positive outlook can allow you to see and seize opportunities enabling you to grow and develop into something better.

DO find the positives in any situation

DON’T allow yourself to be a servant of your feelings or a bi-product of circumstances

TIP, factor in ‘me time’ in your regular routine

TRICK, mental fitness is a daily habit/activity we need to practice in our lives

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