Fit Life Hacks

Navigating Social Events: Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks for Managing the Controversial C’s

February has arrived! It is that time of the year when the goodies are out to play. For most of the world, what comes to mind is Valentine’s Day. In Trinidad and Tobago occasionally its Carnival, aka Fete Season. And let us not forget that the holidays have also just passed. You could say it is definitely a challenge to maintain your diet around this time.

This post aims to help you through those difficult events that really test you. Let’s face it, I am a Caribbean girl through and through, so personally I recommend adopting a sustainable fitness diet that allows you to enjoy any special occasion.

The Controversial C's of any Diet

The most infamous food group that is guilty of pushing us off the wagon is Carbs. But if we are looking at the specifics, some of the favourites we love to indulge in are:

A Guide for Navigating Social Events when Dieting
The Controversial C's of any Fitness Diet

Don’t you agree? I know chocolate is technically candy, but I felt that it needed its own little moment.

But for the most part, these are the C’s that come to mind immediately when discussing any challenges related to maintaining a specific diet. Besides the joy, it brings to your heart (lol) from every bite or sip, unfortunately when done in excess these items are associated with several health issues and can set back your fitness goals.

How to manage the Controversial C's in any Event

Making the right choices includes being selective at any event. Ask yourself, do you really need the cheese-crusted pie and the cake, if you are already going to drink alcohol? Think about it. As the saying goes, the trick is if you are then everything in moderation. It is all about having the right strategy. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a professional nutritionist or fitness coach, but ‘been there done that, learnt a thing or two’. As a result, I have realized that the best game plan for those occasions is to strategize first, set rules and obey them. 

The Strategy...

Whether counting calories or maintaining a specific portion size of food at these events, you should not avoid the fact that it is a give-and-take situation. That’s it!

The Game Plan

Generally, at any event or occasion always start by surveying the options available, then select which items you are indulging in. In some instances, you can even ask the host to let you know in advance what will be there. 

Regardless of the situation, always have a plan of attack, to ensure that you abide by your meal plans. Remember, we want to enjoy ourselves, but we do not want to compromise our fitness.

The ‘Everything in Moderation’ Plan

So, if we are going the route of everything in moderation, the tricks I am about to suggest are geared towards what I like to call a ‘trade for a treat concept’. This ensures that the overall strategy is maintained, even if we are going all in. 

TRICK #1 Plan how many bad must-haves you are going to allow yourself to have.

TRICK #2 Skip the bad carbs as much as possible.

TRICK #3 Stick to healthier carbs.

TRICK #4 Having proteins is a valuable step, especially if you are considering drinking.

TRICK #5 Make your position known about your diet so that others could cater to your needs.

TRICK #6 If you are drinking try low-carb drinks.

TRICK #7 Bring your own or better yet don’t show up hungry.

Let me explain…

> The Trade for a Treat Concept

Trick #1 List (and plan) the bad must-haves that you will allow yourself to have. This can be a number or list of specific items. Remember, the goal is to enjoy, but not overdo. By planning what you can have and how much is going to help you through the event. When considering my plate for any occasion, I count my drinks as part of the starches. 

Trick #2 Skip the bad carbs as much as possible. Be selective about the number of carbs you ingest. I am talking about the pastries, the fried rice, the fries, etc. Let’s face it, 9/10 times carbs are your cheat snacks.

With that said…

Trick #3 Stick to healthier carbs. Veggies, sweet potatoes, whole grains and legumes are some of the good carbs. Whether you are going out for dinner on Valentine’s Day or attending a Carnival event, these items are usually available. 

Trick #4 Proteins are your friend. At these events, consume proteins to ensure that you do not starve yourself (especially if you decide to avoid carbs). Also, it prepares your stomach for any possible liquid indulgences you may have. It has been proven that proteins are one of the food groups that are good for avoiding hangovers. Yes, look it up! Personally, in my experience, it always helps me if I intend to have a few drinks. 

Trick #5 Make your position known about your diet. Let your partner, friends or family know that you are serious about your fitness. If you are ordering at a restaurant, you are in control of what you eat and drink. But suppose you are attending an event held by a family member or friend. In that case, they may make special dishes to accommodate your diet. And since we are on the topic of V-Day, it can also persuade them to get alternative gifts for you. While for cases where they don’t know, it is easy to consume these treats over time or share them. 

Trick #6 If you are drinking try low-carb drinks. I strongly advise that you set a limit and stick to it: the sugars baby, the sugars.  Unlike the other items listed above, most carbonated beverages (and other spirits) contain empty calories that are just for enjoyment. Hence, substitute your drinks for something on your plate. 

‘Straight no chaser’ as we say in the Trinidad and Tobago and parts of the Caribbean. Drinking alcohol in its raw form, basically straight from the bottle, without chaser (aka those carbonated beverages like soda water or liqueurs) contains little-to-no carbs. I recommend that you try drinking your alcohol straight on the rocks, neat or paired with a low-carb chaser. Also, note that light beers are also considered low-carb beverages if you are a beer girl like me; I know you will appreciate that. 

Trick #7 Bring your own or show up full. Depending on the event, you can avoid all those decisions and worries by bringing your own snacks, dish or drinks. As well as eating before you arrive. This option (if available) allows you to stay in control of the situation and just have fun.


Like I mentioned before I am not a professional, but in the end, to navigate these events, you really need to figure out what you can control. It all comes down to 4 things:

When attending a social event… 

DO be selective and wise in your food and drink choices. Survey the situation first, then dive in.

DON’T even think about trying to have it all, it’s a give-and-take situation. Remember ‘trade for a treat’. 

TIP, if you are going to have it all anyway, everything in moderation. Remember TRADE -> FOR -> A -> TREAT

TRICK, balancing a healthy life and social life should involve those closest to you. Get your friends and family on board with your journey. 

So let’s try to leave February without any major regrets. I hope this post will be helpful. 

What are your guilty pleasures, is it listed above? 

Feel free, to let me know if you have any additional tips or tricks for getting through any social event. Share your thoughts in the comments.


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