
Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness: Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks

So we have already touched on two main concepts regarding fitness: Building the Right Fitness Mindset and Avoiding and Overcoming the Proverbial Wall. Both are highly dependent on being inspired/motivated. But what I learned early on is that these two concepts, though similar, can affect your drive towards your goals differently and that both are equally important. This post shows the difference between inspiration and motivation and how and when to use each to drive you. I’ll also highlight my top go-tos for fitness inspiration/motivation.

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Inspiration vs motivation, defining the two concepts

Inspiration defined


“someone or something that gives you ideas for doing something” Cambridge Dictionary


“a feeling of enthusiasm you get from someone or something, which gives you new and creative ideas” Collins Dictionary


“the process that takes place when somebody sees or hears something that causes them to have exciting new ideas or makes them want to create something, …” Oxford Learners Dictionary


“process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.”

Motivation defined


“enthusiasm for doing somethingCambridge Dictionary


desire to do; interest or driveCollins Dictionary


the reason why somebody does something or behaves in a particular wayOxford Learners Dictionary


“the feeling of wanting to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort.” Oxford Learners Dictionary

When you look at these definitions, what can you see?

Similar, but yet so different, right? 

Regardless of where anyone may be on their fitness journey, one thing for sure is that we need to be inspired and motivated to achieve our goals.

Put simply, inspiration can be found outwardly. This can be in the form of a picture of the body you want or a fitness persona you wish to emulate.

Motivation, on the other hand, comes from within. This is what gets you up in the morning or over the finish line in a race.

Both concepts are tied to your WHY. Your WHY answers the questions WHAT DO YOU WANT and HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT. These answers can lead you to seek inspiration and dig deep to find the motivation to get the goal accomplished.

You see where this is going; it’s an endless cycle.

DDTT Virtuous Fitness Cycle

TIP #1

Always strive to ensure that you cultivate a virtuous cycle of inspiration and motivation.

The importance of getting inspired and being motivated

In my opinion, inspiration is required at the start of any fitness journey. It should also act as a reminder(s) along the way and can introduce new areas to explore (nb. ever so often, it should be reviewed and updated). I view this as a long-term, continuous and sustainable action. 

You can get your inspiration from books, public figures, regular janes/joes, etc. Find what works for you.


Use your inspirations to build your vision.

For motivation, I associate this with thoughtful, intentional acts.

As we know, the proverbial wall is often formed when we become uninspired and demotivated. Avoid this as much as you can.

I would love your feedback on the matter; feel free to comment below.

Using inspiration and motivation to achieve your fitness goals

Now how does this all fit into your fitness journey?


Like I said, your inspirations should start the process. But …

DON’T #1

Do not get carried away with this part. Ever heard of the concept “Paralysis by Analysis”. Yup, I’ve been there a lot. By now, you may realize that I am a firm believer in soul-searching. However, spending long periods thinking about doing something and not acting on it is just as bad as never considering the idea in the first place. The journey of fitness is long. Taking baby steps is okay.

Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness


Finalize your WHY. Find what drives you to act.

Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness


Set goals and construct an action plan.

Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness


Commit to your plan.

Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness


Always reflect on your achievements and your shortcomings. Your shortcomings are learning lessons.

Inspiration vs Motivation, Knowing the Difference and How to Use Both in Fitness

My fitness go-tos for inspiration, motivation, training, etc.

Finding the right mix that can get you inspired/motivated and keep you inspired/motivated is a challenge, especially at the beginning of your fitness journey.

Nothing gets me out of a running slump than looking up runners such as Peres Jepchirchir, Mary Jepkosgei Keitany, Tirunesh Dibaba, Eluid Kipchoge, Stephen Mokoka or Mo Farah. 

The same goes for music. I am rarely (more like never) without music when I am running or training. It really gets me in the mood.

In general, my idea of inspiration/motivation is usually associated with music, motivational speeches, quotes,  personalities, their associated profiles and books.

What is your inspiration niche? Comment below.

DO #1

Look for material targeted towards your fitness niche. I touched on this in “A Simple Guide for Getting the Right Sports Footwear: It’s All About the Fundamentals (Part 3)”.

Let’s start the list.

Disclaimer: These lists describe sources of inspiration/motivation I used throughout my fitness journey.

My go-to inspirational quotes:

Some were listed above, and the remainder are as follows:


“Respect the building blocks, master the fundamentals, and the potential is unlimited” PJ Ladd.


Just go with the flow.


Easy? No. Worth it? Yes!


Good things come to those who wait.


No pain, no gain. 

I am sure you are familiar with some or all of these quotes/sayings. What quotes inspire you? Comment below.

My go-to songs

Plain and simple SOCA!

My go-to YouTube channels:

My current must-have fitness-related books:

Click the authors to access the link to purchase on Amazon

(None are affiliate links)

Check out more on Book Authority.

If anyone has any other recommendations, feel free to comment below.


At the end of the day, it’s all about being moved to act. 

DO look for material targeted towards your fitness niche.

DON’T succumb to “paralysis by analysis”.

TIP, every moment is a moment to improve.

TRICK, keep on keeping on.

What books, music, or apps do you use or what’s on your wishlist, comment below.

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