Fit Life Hacks

Fitness Reboots Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks: Getting Back into the Habit of Working Out

Due to the pandemic, a common theme of 2020 and 2021 has been fitness reboots.

Getting back in shape sounds so much easier than it is sometimes. Especially if you consider yourself a dedicated fitness enthusiast.

For me, I have been ‘fit’ so long; hence when I slowed down last year I assumed it would be easy for me to regain the level of consistency I was accustomed to. 

Think again. It’s hard!

In reality, the pandemic has changed a lot of stuff. Though I remained active, the momentum is significantly different and far from my pre-pandemic fitness level. 

But, as the saying goes, the only thing constant is change.

Nearly two years into the global pandemic and five fitness reboots later, this blog post aims to share what I learnt about getting back into the habit of working out.

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What is a fitness reboot?

I view a fitness reboot as starting back your routine after a break or resetting your fitness goals.

This situation can be intentional or unintentional; for instance you can be:


Recovering from an injury and perhaps having to re-evaluate what is possible from not,


Experiencing a literal global pandemic that has broken up your routine and overall way of thinking or


A much needed break you took willingly

The list can go on…

Though different, all of these situations would have caused you to break your routine.

DON’T #1

Do not feel guilty. We have all been there. Regardless of the cause, let’s get back at it.

The fitness reboot process

The transition to start back for some is quite difficult. Hence, it is always good to remind yourself why your health is essential.

Good health offers you several benefits: a potentially longer life, lower stress levels, a hot bod and it’s a confidence booster.

The fact that you are here suggests that you are already on board.

For me, it took three stages. Note the length varies depending on your level of readiness.

Stage 1 of the fitness reboot process: The Decision

Like all things, it really starts with your decision to do something about the situation. Trust me, there is a difference between complaining about the situation and acting on what needs to be done.


Reinspire yourself to act.

At this stage, I highly recommend surrounding yourself with constant motivators. These motivators include friends, family, old images of what you did before the break (note these should be happy moments; remember this is supposed to inspire you), social media content, quotes etc. Use whatever you need to get out of the funk you are in.

Stage 2 of the fitness reboot process: Reflect

Like, I always say soul-searching is an excellent place to start at any juncture of your fitness journey.

TIP #1

Self-reflection. Taking time to acknowledge where you are, how you feel and what you would like to accomplish is important. I also recommend journaling to document the process. For me, it acts as a reminder of how I felt when I decided to start and motivates me to keep going.

Next, it’s time to plan your next steps.

Ask yourself:

Did your goals change?

Is there anything you need to do differently moving forward?

What do you need to move forward?

Jotting down the responses to these questions and more will help you determine what you need to revive your workout habits.

Stage 3 of the fitness reboot process: Plan and Act

Depending on your self-awareness exercise, you should have a fair idea of what’s next. Thus, it’s time to schedule your workouts and get to it.

Here are a few do’s, don’ts, tips and tricks I used at this stage:


Start small and build your way back up. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Depending on the length of time you were away and/or the reason for the break (for example, an injury), caution is advised. Gradual adjustments will ensure that the transition is safe and sustainable. Burnout can also occur if you rush yourself.

DON’T #2

Do not forget the habit formula. The habit formula is your friend when you are doing a fitness reboot. If you want to get back on track you need to re-establish your fitness routines and make them habits again. I discussed this topic in my two-part series Self-development through Discipline, the Art of Mastering Healthy Habits: Part 1 and Part 2.

TIP #2

Consider starting with a challenge. Challenges are great kick-starters when it comes to getting back on track. Depending on the length and type of challenge it’s easier to make your routines more habitual.

TIP #3

Get a training buddy. Having support is always recommended. A workout buddy or simply someone to hold you accountable is a great way to reboot your fitness regime. Like most things, there is an art to finding the right workout buddy. I’ve had to re-evaluate my selections a time or two and have come up with a guide to help me pick and maintain workout relationships. Check out my blog Workout Buddy Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks to see more on the topic.

DON’T #3

Do not forget it’s mind, body and soul. Often fitness reboots focus on the physical aspects, but we can’t neglect our mind and soul. Focusing on all three gradually strengthens the recovery journey.

DON’T #4

Avoid stopping if you can. Because you have experienced the downtime it’s so much easier to relapse. Now is the time to dig deep and shake the bad habits.

Key takeaways

Pauses happen during your fitness journey, but it’s never too late to get back on track. In my experience, it takes three stages. All you need to do is decide to act, reflect and reassess, plan and move.

DO remember your why

DON’T let guilt stop you 

TIP, self-reflection is important

TRICK, reinspire yourself to act


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