Image displaying a party scene with a woman holding up a phone and recording the stage.
Fit Life Hacks

Tackling the Season of Wine, Drink and Love: Social Event Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks When Dieting

A social event can be tricky to navigate when you’re trying to stay on track with your fitness diet. Fortunately, with a few do’s, don’ts, tips and tricks, you can enjoy the festivities (be it at a Carnival fete or a Valentine’s Day date) without compromising your health goals.

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Pre-Social Event Mindset /It starts with a strategy.

In my experience, two scenarios can play out:

Situation 1:

You were prepared for the event. 

Situation 2:

It’s Impromptu

Let’s face it, social events can be a war zone of temptation. Especially in the first few months of the year, just after the holidays. Hence, well in advance of any party or date, one thing is required that provides a solution to those two scenarios. Most of us have already done it; it’s called ‘setting our fitness goals’. 

TIP #1:

Ensure your fitness goal-getting strategy entails eating out, splurges etc. Sustainable fitness plans should have contingency plans and targets. I am an extrovert, and socialising is a significant part of my life. Therefore, preparing for ‘war zones of temptation’ are essential. I highly recommend setting rules while planning. For example, if you are eating an unhealthy meal, skip dessert or set a maximum limit of two cocktails (as the saying goes in the Caribbean, ‘yuh cah stand up on one foot’).

Once you’ve got your anchor (aka your strategy), here are the do’s, don’ts, tips and tricks: 

Have a Light pre-event meal

I’ve been there, excited before an event and skipped a meal. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, let’s just say my meal plans are out the window. 

DON’T #1:

Do not show up hungry. “You are not you when you are hungry” (Snickers). Hunger often leads to unhealthy decisions. I am way more impulsive when hungry; everything looks and smells good. Another downside is that you may be more likely to overeat, as hunger can make it difficult to accurately gauge portion sizes. 

B-Y-O (Bring Your Own)

Depending on the event, you can avoid all those decisions and worries by bringing your own snacks, dish or drinks. This option (if available) allows you to stay in control of the situation and just have fun. 


Control the controllables. Bringing your own food and drink comes with so many advantages. Outside of being able to ensure you maintain your fitness diet, it saves money and time (no long lines or wait times). 

Survey the Menu

Take the time to survey your options. Whether it’s a fete or a restaurant, analyse your options to make the healthier choice and decide on your cheat items.

DO #1:

Do your research. Mostly everything is online; look up the menu beforehand, if possible. 


Everything in Moderation

If you are taking the all-in approach, I recommend everything in moderation. A small portion is enough to satisfy your sweet tooth without overdoing it.

Trade-for-a-Treat Strategy

For a more conservative approach, the trade-for-treat approach offers the best of both worlds. Stay on target by sacrificing. For example, opt for lean proteins over fried foods, fruits and vegetables over desserts, sauce on the side vs the sauce cooked or mixed in and/or no chaser vs cocktails. 


Trade-for-a-treat. If this is combined with pre-meal research, you may be able to plan what you will be eating and/or trading. After all, it is an event; treat yourself.  

Get support

Let your partner, friends or family know your dietary preferences. Having a support system and accountability partners are great ways to stay on track. 

DON’T #2:

Do not be shy; make your position known about your diet.


Getting your fill of water is also a terrific way of staying on track at these events. Incorporating a sip of water/or glass between eating or drinking can slow you down or fill you up. 

Take it to go

Whether splitting the meal or saving it for later, everything does not need to be finished in one sitting. 

TIP #2:

Out of sight, out of mind. I practice this daily. If a snack, meal or drink is in front of me, I will demolish it. Fight the temptation by avoiding it entirely.


Plans, self-restraint and mindful eating go a long way when navigating social events. Cheers to the season of love and soca!

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