About Me

Do's, Don'ts, Tips and Tricks Blog
Welcome to Do's, Don'ts, Tips and Tricks!

Hi, I am Maria, a Trinbagion Blogger!

‘Why burn to learn?’

Hi, I am Maria, and this is my fitness blog, Do’s, Don’ts, Tips and Tricks – What I Wish I Knew When I Started.

As the name implies, I know firsthand the struggles of finding good, relatable fitness advice, especially at the beginning. At the start, sometimes all that is needed is a real experience, friendly one-on-one advice and no textbook responses. Note I am not discrediting professional feedback, but the technical keywords don’t particularly roll off the tongue at the beginning. So Google-searching the issue is tricky and often treacherous (we all had that WebMD experience).

Again, ‘Why burn to learn?’

So, here I am, taking the plunge and sharing what I learnt. Why not, right? Having completed 35 races and over a decade into my fitness journey, I’ve got a lot to share that you can learn from.

I hope my trials and triumphs in fitness help others along their fitness journey, especially beginner fitness enthusiasts. I also hope the blog inspires others to share their experiences.

Here is a snapshot of my current stats

as at Feb 2023


Trinidad and Tobago

Height / Weight:

5’2” / 180 lbs

Fitness Activities:

Aerobic Training, Strength Training, Flexibility, Stability and Balance Training

Number of Competitive Events:

30 local races and 5 overseas races

Want to talk directly to me?

Feel free to check out my past blog posts and join the discussion. Hit me up on Instagram as well; a weekly (2023) wellness challenge is going on.